CV PREVITAL: Digital strategies in primary cardiovascular prevention in the Italian population

Research project promoted and funded by the Italian Ministry of Health for the creation of a cardiovascular prevention platform with app integration.

The general objective of CV-PREVITAL is the implementation and validation, in a very large sample of subjects and under conditions of real life, of an innovative primary cardiovascular prevention model aimed at promoting virtuous lifestyles to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and increase the years of healthy life.

Specific objectives:
⁃ To assess the effectiveness of a digital medicine intervention based on the use of an App and aimed at monitoring, educating and self-managing cardiovascular risk factors (conventional and unconventional) and detecting and changing unhealthy lifestyles (e.g. inappropriate diet, insufficient physical activity).
⁃ To develop new algorithms for the estimation of cardiovascular risk, based also on the use of artificial neural networks.
⁃ To carry out cost-effectiveness analysis of interventions.
⁃ To improve communication between GPs, National Healthcare System facilities, the Italian Ministry of Health and the Italian Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS), through the integration of existing IT platforms.

The project will produce an integrated IT platform and an intuitive and user-friendly app for smartphone downloadable from the App Store, Google Play and AppGallery. The App is aimed at monitoring, educating and remotely managing cardiovascular risk factors, with engaging and gaming features, to encourage frequent use.

To discover some features of the integrated CV-PREVITAL App, access the official page HERE.

To find out more about the specifics of the project, access a detailed breakdown HERE.

For more information on the participants involved, the “members” section can be accessed HERE.


This project was funded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).

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