In early November, the first newsletter of the European Project YOUNG50 – #Stay Healthy – Cardiovascular Risk Prevention was published. It comes straight from the first lines of the newsletter the explanation on the reason why a YOUNG50 project is strongly needed. Lot of work needs to be done in several places in the EU countries regarding prevention of cardiovascular risks. Therefore, the first article focuses on the transfer of the Italian cardiovascular screening program “Cardio50”, which has been selected as the best practice to be transferred by the Veneto Region to other Member States, such as: Romania, Lithuania and Luxembourg. The newsletter describes the kick-off meeting that was held last June in Luxembourg, and which allowed the different partners to outline preliminary activities, defining and confirming the three phases that make up the project itself. The attention then shifts to the first Study Visit that took place in Padua in August and that was the perfect opportunity to discuss and give an overview of the Cardio50 algorithm. In fact, in order to transfer the Cardio50 program to other countries, it turns to be essential customization interventions with respect to local sites, and therefore the adaptation of the patient’s stratification algorithm and the questionnaire to local contexts. Last September 30th, the YOUNG50 #Stay Healthy – Cardiovascular Risk Prevention team participated in the EU Health Program 2014-2020 Conference organized by CHAFEA in Brussels, providing an electronic poster, displayed in the exhibition area during the entire duration of the meeting. With the aim of making the project  to be known to the wider public, business cards and bookmarks were also prepared and made available at the event.

The newsletter, published six months after the start of the project, is a valuable opportunity for all  stakeholders, as well as for the wider public, to learn more about the activities carried out by the project and it ensures continuing updating. Following this line, the activities planned for the next six months are presented, in particular the development of the YOUNG50 app, which will be piloted next spring in Italy and later on in the Implementing Sites.

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